Android is the leading Mobile/Tablet OS in the world today, Hundreds of Manufacturers are using Android OS on their Gadgets. So, using an Android device must make work easier. There are lot of utilities available on Google Play (Android Market) today which makes work easier “Software Date cable” is one such application developed for Android devices to make easy file transfer between Phone and PC without using a data cable.
Many of us carry data cables along with our laptops, just to transfer files between Phone and PC. By using this Software data cable application you can leave your physical data cable in your home as you can transfer files using this software through wireless medium (Wifi) available both on PC and Phone.
You can drag and drop files from and to your PC by using this application. You can also manage your files better because it comes with built in file manager. So we can use it as two in one application for Android devices.
How to use Software Data Cable App ?
1. Download the Software Data Cable App from Google play from the download link at the end of this post. Install it on your Android Phone/Tab.
2. Turn on and Connect Wifi on both devices.
3. To start file transfer over Wi-Fi you need to start this application. It will give you an FTP address and Port number like ( is IP and 8888 is port number) which you must use to connect our laptop Wi-Fi to Android.
4. Now open your windows explorer and type the FTP address and Port number in the address bar.
5. Your android files will be accessed on to your windows explorer, by dragging and dropping files from or to your PC you can transfer files between PC and Phone.
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